Life & Universe
  Sensory Perception
  Option 4
  Option 5

           Let's think about something. What controls wind? What is directly responsible for making the wind blow? We don't know. Why not life? It makes perfect sense. With a planet such as Earth with such a massive life power source it wouldn't surprise me. Again, does that mean that the Earth is a living thing and can think or talk or sneeze? No! There are different degrees of life power, which range from Einstein to a dog to a tree. But they are all united in the idea that they are life. Yes, we humans are the same as trees, the same as wind. All have a special power that makes them able to control themselves. Life is are apparent in our third dimensional world because it makes things change for no apparent reason. This is an extremely broad definition. By change we could mean growth of a tree or thought of humans. It is apparent that humans change and trees change size (water and sunlight do not directly make trees bigger - hydrogen and oxygen cannot create plant cells - it is growth that creates them). Growth and the creation of matter is powered by life. Sunflowers point themselves towards the sun. Similarly, the wind almost blows as it "wants". Something forces the air to blow in ways that are completely random, like it's a living creature. Wind doesn't blow for any specific reason. If it did, we could create a wind calendar. We would know exactly when each windy day would be for the next century. Ask any meterologist. It almost changes as it "wants". On the other hand, something like the moon traveling around the Earth is not entirely life. We can predict exactly when the moon will be in the sky. It is explained by physics. The difference between 3D energy and 4D energy is that it seems as if 4D energy can think for itself. Our souls are no different than an animal or a tree's - do not look at the world with a human-centric point of view. Humans are not the center of the universe and the universe doesn't revolve around humans, as is the popular belief of most religions, especially the "big 3 religions". Humans are just one sub-denomination of life - a force that is prevalent all throughout the universe. The power of life and 4D energy is NOT only given to humans, but is found everywhere in the universe.

            The best way to understand what is life is to take that object or entity and stick it onto the lifeless surface of the moon. All you see is gray soil and gray rocks. Nothing else. You live on the moon. Say you have lived on the moon for 20 years. You have never seen anything move except yourself in your entire life, and then all of a sudden a fire comes up (presumably in some sort of container that defends it from being extinguished in the vacuum of space). You will see something amazing. For all these 20 years you have seen nothing but black space and the dead moon's surface, INANIMATE dust and rock. But now I see this fire. It moves up, down, left and right. It gets slightly brighter and darker. It started small, but somehow it grew to a bigger length, width and height. It creates matter, in other words. But fire is not the only thing it creates more of, but it creates smoke, another instance of creating matter, and therefore more proof that it is life. If I were asked what on the moon was characteristically most like me, I would say, "the fire". Why the fire? For many reasons. The first being that the fire grew from a small height to a larger height, just like I did when I grew from a baby to an adult. My body created the matter that I am made out of, and similarly, the fire grew more of itself as well as black smoke OUT OF NOTHING! The fire and I literally created matter out of thin air! Obviously when your bones grow you don't rip the bones off someone else and stick them onto your bones! You grow them - you create the matter (bones) completely out of thin air. The second being that the fire is totally unpredictable, as am I when I wave my hands, move any of my body parts, breathe in and out at different time intervals, blink my eyes randomly, as my hair grows different lengths randomly. The fire is random and unpredictable in its height and width just like I am in all the ways I just listed. The fire and I have much more in common. After all, the fire suits three of the characteristics it needs to show that it is powered by a life energy source, or in short, the characteristics of a living thing. The first being random, the second being able to grow, and thirdly, to dissappear and make other things dissappear (obviously fire destroys matter, right)? But the fire cannot think like me, it doesn't get sad, angry, or happy. But after all, we have all agreed that plants and trees are living things yet we know the trees cannot be sad or happy. So perhaps it is life - not exactly the same type of life or life energy I have that controls my flesh body, but the fire is controlled by another type of life. Again, does the fire move around? Does it seem to have a mind of its own? Can it reproduce or disappear, COMPARED TO EVERYTHING ELSE THAT IS COMPLETELY UNMOVING. It is special - it can do all these things while everything else on the moon - the craters and rocks - just sit there and remain completely stationary. The reason I say to imagine the surface of the moon is because it is so hard to tell what is life and what is not life on Earth, since our planet is so overwhelmingly full of life. It has so much life that we don't even know exactly what life even is anymore, because there is so much of it. While the fire or wind is dancing with the power of life, the rocks just sit there and never change. (That doesn't mean the rocks are not a product of life, I will explain later). It is the definition of life that it is completely random that really helps to explain much of the world that we live in. It is because life is random that much of the Earth is random because life plays such a significant part of what the planet Earth is. Life is absolutely everywhere on Earth - in fire, wind, plant life, and all the thousands of different species we have on this planet. Again, probably the most obvious aspect of life is that it is completely random. If you give me a pencil and tell me to scribble all over a graph paper, you would never be able to tell the exact coordinate where I will scribble next. Not even the most powerful computer in the world would ever be able to tell. That is because I am an entity of life, or I am powered by the life, unexplainable and undeterminable. It is important to remember that physics also plays a part in me - that if I throw a ball, it will fly according to physics, but just the very question why the ball is flying makes no sense in physics. But the root of how the ball was thrown was because of life, something that physics doesn't explain. Physics explains once the ball is in the air, but not how the ball got in the air. How the ball got in the air is explained by life theory and life (because I am an entity of life!). You must constantly imagine a dead world like the moon and then see how life can effect that dead world. Or you can think of the dead vacuum of space. Life is the only random thing on a dead world - there would be no word such as "random" in that dead world if it weren't for life. Life is the only thing that makes a dead inanimate world, random. But not only our actions are random. We are random in our bodies. Even if we never spoke or moved, an alien civilization would still be able to tell there there is life. Why? Because our flesh bodies are proof of life. The fact that we grow, that we come in completely random colors and types. There are so many races of humans, and within those races there are races, and so on. Different ethnicities are explained by the randomness of life and the life. You get people with blue, brown, black, green, bluish-green, brownish-black, and many other colors of eyes. You get many colors of skin - white, tannish-white, black, brown, and all sorts of whitish - tan tints. You get orange, red, black, brown, white, grey, blonde, hair. All of our fingerprints and the shapes of our ears, eyes, etc. are completely random and in which no two people have the same. Then we have different structure of hair, such as curly or straight. We have different heights - from a dwarf to someone who is tall. We have so many different shapes of body. We have different types of noses, lips and eyes. We have different lengths of fingernails. We are all born differently such as being smart, mentally handicapped, shy, outgoing, open minded, closed minded, smart, not so smart, etc. Some are gay and some are straight. We all have different tones of voice. Why? Because of the very nature of life, which is random. It is a completely random entity in our universe, and it will 99.9% most probably never be understood. Different colors of skin, etc. are perfect examples of the randomness of life - different races, colors of skin, color of eyes, color/texture of hair, homosexual, heterosexual, pious, non-pious, energetic, lethargic, etc. are no more unusual as there being two different colors of algae in a swamp. The very idea that two people have different eye color is perfectly normal. Someone being homosexual is perfectly normal. Someone being 5 feet tall is perfectly normal. Someone who is 400 pounds is perfectly normal. Siamese twins are perfectly normal. That is what I mean by random. Randomness does NOT only come in actions - such as me waving my hands in a coordinate system. Life also comes in inaction, such as random eye colors. Life could also be shown as different textures and colors of bark on a tree. Life could come in randomly blowing winds. Just the very fact that they are different, and random colors are absolute signs of life. Of course these rules abides by all life - all dogs are completely random in their making, cats, cows, horses, cockroaches, a tree (how high it grows, what color of bark it has, the completely random patterns of lines (just look at a two by four in your garage and look at how the lines are completely random), paramecium - anything that is living is life and random). Saying that apples are not signs of life because they are all red is ridiculous - every apple has different crevices, discoloring, green spots, different lines, instead of a dark brown stem it might have a darkish black stem. All these tiny differences are enough to be proof of life and the life. You can probably see by this article that things like racism are so completely idiotic because racism tries to go against the natural flow of life and the universe - that all humans should be genetically the same with the same eye color, hair color, skin color, thought processes, shapes of body parts, religion, etc. is so stupid and idiotic that it goes absolutely 100% against the natural occurrences of the life in the form of life. And of course that is why it is dying all throughout the world, and of course one of the reasons our country, the United States, is so great. Our forefathers understood random theory and knew that instead of suppressing randomness (life), we should embrace the very fabric of it. While the majority of other nations in the world were suppressing their people with rules on how difference/randomness in life is looked down upon, we Americans looked up at randomness. Our forefathers never suppressed life, but embraced it. And that is why we and most of our allies (Japan, etc.) are the most advanced civilizations in the world. We all live together, as one of many, embrace all processes of thought, races, genders, lifestyles. etc unlike the primitive 12th century thought processes of some oppressive regimes in the world.