Life & Universe
  Sensory Perception
  Option 4
  Option 5

            We as humans experience things only as fast as we can sense it. For example, lets say you were blind and deaf and the only sense you had was smell. How long would it take you to know that there is a pie baking? You would have to wait and wait until you finally smelled it. You only understand that a pie is baking after around a minute. But now lets give this person another sense. The sense of hearing. Now he can understand what is going on much faster, as he can hear the oven roar and the crust bake. Now suppose we give him yet another sense - the sense of sight. Now all he has to do is to look with his eyes and he would see the pie baking in the oven. He understands what is going on in a nanosecond (since light travels faster than sound). It is also true that he only understands what is going on after the image is picked up by his eyes then goes on its journey into his brain through pulses, etc. That leaves the question: when exactly do things happen? We MUST wait for light to bounce off the event to absorb in our eyes and then travel to our brains to know that something happened. We think that we saw something exactly when it happened, but that is a false perception. Whenever we perceive something, it is always after it has already happened. We can only see the past. So what happens to everything in-between? What if there are so-called particles that move faster than light? Would we be able to pick them up? We woulden't think so at first thought because we believe the fastest sense we have is sight. Think of what we see as a long roll of film. The film is made up of thousands of little boxes next to each other and is played on a projection screen. Now, say our eyes are only able to see the every fifth box, because light isn't fast enough to pick up the first, second, third or fourth boxes. Of course since we are born seeing only every fifth box, we think it is normal to only see the fifth box. This example is just a tiny tiny tiny example of how much we could be missing that is going on in our universe.

            "Now" is only an illusion. After all, the best example is when we see a supernova with the Hubble telescope, we think two galaxies collided. But in reality we know that they actually collided millions of years ago. We had to wait for the light to finally reach us. It is sometimes even said the Hubble telescope is a time machine. When we open its lenses, are seeing the universe as it was millions of years ago - the farther away in space, the further back in time. We understand what happened way after it happened. We think what is happening is happening now, but now is just an illusion - there is no now. Past, present and future are mixed up into one. Then are the secrets to how the Egyptians built the pyramids really gone? Of course not. Right now some alien civilization three thousand light years away is staring at Earth with a telescope and can see the Egyptians building the pyramids. In fact, they have no clue that we have computers, cars, airplanes, etc. because they can only see the past. Every trillionth of a nanosecond of "time" is instantly stored in an ounce of light and beamed across the universe. This means that every instant of time that ever existed has been stored.

            So what we now know is that every instant of time is infinitely stored in a unit of light that travels at the speed of light through space. Though the speed at which it is moving is astronomical, every unit of time is indeed stored, traveling through our universe. If it is stored in light, could it be stored in other ways not yet known to man? Perhaps it is stored in something that a "fourth dimensional" being could "step" into and therefore go back in time. What if that unit of light (or whatever else it may be) could be tapped into? Held indefinitely? Altered? Think of it like this. Suppose I am in space and I am looking down at a closed house. Now, we know every instant of time is being stored in a unit of light. But where does this light go if there are four walls surrounding it? It cannot go into space because the roof of the house is blocking it. But by theory we know that it is in fact being stored. In that respect, I am applying the theory I stated before about units of time being preserved by light and other ways into this idea. It must always be true if it is a theory. So there is a lamp in the closed house and obviously different things are happening every billionth (whatever) of a second. Along with every nanosecond, a new beam of light shines off everything in the room. Then the lamp is shut off. What happens to the old light that was there a nanosecond ago? The old light that just reflected off something in the room (thereby holding a unit of time) a nanosecond ago needs somewhere to go (because it cannot be destroyed). If you stood outside of the room could you see the light escape out of the room? Perhaps not. However, we now know that no matter what, light that holds a moment of time is somewhere, stored somehow. Maybe it is invisible to us humans. Perhaps in the fourth dimension, one could access that "lost" unit of light.