Life & Universe
  Sensory Perception
  Option 4
  Option 5

            Life does not only exist in humans on land with "perfect" 75F weather. Life can be found anywhere in the universe. An entity of life does not necessarily have to be able to say, "Hi, my name is _____" to be life.

            Think about this. Remember life is the only property of the universe that can create matter. I have always thought about the origin of the universe, the big bang theory, and the idea that the universe is undoubtedly expanding. I agree totally with these theories. However, I also found it interesting that most scientists believe that the only way new planets and stars can be formed is through recycling. In other words, a new planet can only be formed when another planet has been destroyed and fragments of the destroyed planet, with some asteroids, a comet here and there, gasses and other space stuff basically joins together with the help of gravity and ultimately creates a planet over a very long period of time. However, this theory fails to tell us how the matter got there in the first place. So how is matter created? Through life. As we have always said, life is the only force known to man that can create matter. Just because we see life as the creator of hair and long fingernails, the very idea that life can create matter means that it should also be able to grow any entity that is matter. Life can grow things that do not seem as if they were once a part of life. For example, would you ever look at a piano and think that most of it came from anti-matter that was formed out of thin air? The truth is it did! The wood that the piano is made out of was obviously created from the force of life. Then the keys on the piano may have come from elephant's ivory - which came from an elephant - an entity of life. The ivory and wood were created from life. It was literally formed out of thin air. That is what life can do. This is what we have talked about all along. Much of your car came from anti-matter. For example, the leather seats and steering wheel formed out of life, out of thin air (leather comes from animals). Remember, "growth" is such a boring word - creating out of thin air is a much better and truer expression for growth. The rubber on the tires came from rubber trees. The radio, speakers and dash are made from plastic. Plastic is a by-product of petroleum, and petroleum is created out of ancient remains of animals. And if you think of how many plastic things you have in your house, your mind will warp! Here is what I'm getting at ... so why not planets? If life can grow and create matter from thin air, why couldn't this force grow planets out of thin air? Perhaps it doesn't grow complete planets, maybe it just grows fragments of the planets and then physics and gravitation create the planet as one entity as we know it. It is completely possible. After all, we have defined fire as an entity of life, and any scientist will tell you that fire plays an enormous part in the creation of stars and planets. In fact, this could have been the "origin" of the universe - that space was always there but life created all the matter in it, and then perhaps the big bang happened. I am in no way saying anything about God or Religion - I am just stating a theory that is very possible. In fact, I believe the universe (the universe being all the stars, gasses, rocks, planets, etc.) came from life simply because of the fact that rocks are matter! This does not mean that rocks are living, but that they are more like inanimate human corpses. The rocks never "lived", they never walked, talked or reproduced. They were more like the wind - a random life force that does not have consciousness but is undoubtedly a form of life, a "dumb" form of life if you will, but invariably, LIFE! Instead, of blowing randomly, they grew randomly. That is why you can never get an identical carbon copy of anything in the universe. Everything is different, sometimes only in ways an electron microscope can see! Obviously all the rocks we see have been chipped, broken, etc. for billions of years, so they have changed significantly, but I do believe that they were grown by life. You can now say that there are only two elements of our universe, as good as humans know it: Life and the empty, black vacuum of space. Those are the only two elements we now know of. I believe all matter in the vacuum of space in the entire universe was created, or "grown" by the force of life. Because matter exists everywhere in the universe, it is obviously proof of life in outer space. Of course life exists. It might be hard to find intelligent life, or even life in the form of microscopic organisms, but life exists and life has had an impact on the entire universe just by the fact that planets exist and that everything is moving. If there were no life in the universe, we would only have the dark vacuum of space. But we don't. There are billions of stars, planets, comets, galaxies everywhere. Of course now we can also say that light is a form of life, as it can grow and dissappear, which are two of the three conditions that make it life. Also, since light is SOMETHING, it has to be life. Everything that is not the vacuum of space comes from LIFE. Light, stars, galaxies, fire, wind, comets, absolutely everything that is not nothing comes from life.

            Life has a tremendous, if not almost infinite amount of influence on our universe. Life can create matter. It can destroy matter. It is the only entity in our universe that is random. Life can take whole galaxies and push, shove, throw, and suck in and spit them around the universe (black holes), since life was the creator of all that matter anyway. Life has control over gravity, as can be seen by our planes or birds who overcome it every day. After all, life is what created all those galaxies in the first place. Life has complete control over light, perhaps life is light. Life can "grow" and it can "dissappear", two of the characteristics of life. Life can produce matter, move it, speed it up, slow it down, and manipulate it in any way. It can do anything. That is another one of the biggest, most important theories I have come up with. Since life created the universe, except for the black vacuum of space, it should be able to have complete control over the universe.