Life & Universe
  Sensory Perception
  Option 4
  Option 5

            Perhaps you would need to be in the fourth dimension to see the human soul (since being in the fourth dimension allows you to see things a 3 dimensional person could not see - again, where a 3 dimensional being sees a closed object, a fourth dimensional being sees what is inside that "closed" object, the closed object here is the human body). Our bodies are analogous to the closed house; there is something that is powering our bodies to move, talk, etc. and instead of the walls and a roof, we have our flesh bodies to hide that source of energy. Our bodies are also analogous to the 3-D triangle, moving unpredictably and stangely through the 2-D universe. Our fourth dimensional souls are interfering or "playing with" these three dimensional flesh bodies that we have. This is the only evidence of the higher dimension, but it is sufficient to prove that it may exist. The only time when we can tell that there is a higher dimensional being is when it plays with things in our current dimension. Same thing for ghosts: we can only see a ghost when it interferes with the third dimension. For example, it picks up an object in the third dimension (like a poltergeist would do), it makes creaking sounds with three-dimensional stairs, it manifests itself by manipulating three dimensional light, etc. That is why people always say ghosts disappear and then reappear. They don't disappear or reappear, it only seems that they are disappearing and reappearing to us three-dimensional beings because the ghosts are four-dimensional. There is a relationship with what is unexplained to us. What powers humans to grow - move - think - all of the abilities of humans (which come from the "invisible" soul), of plants to grow, of wind to blow, of black holes to suck in planets and light, of ghosts to manipulate light, of UFO's appearing and disappearing, all come from the same power source - fourth dimensional power, or in simpler terms, LIFE.

There is more! The most important concept to understand is below.

Life is defined as a fourth dimensional force (or just a force) that manifests itself in the third dimension as an entity that has characteristics such as, but are not limited to; BEING COMPLETELY RANDOM, HAVING THE ABILITY TO CREATE MATTER, AND/OR DISSAPPEARING OR MAKING OTHER THINGS DISSAPPEAR . Anything having ANY ONE OF THESE CHARACTERISTICS is evidence of life or the possible after-shocks of life, or of course the fourth dimension.